@KTzone » 消閒 - 血腥暴力 » 28歲拉丁美女在住宅後園被姦殺 [18+]

2010-7-28 22:04 Triple H
28歲拉丁美女在住宅後園被姦殺 [18+]

28歲拉丁美女在住宅後園被姦殺 [18+]
The body of a 28 year old female was found on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 26th, in the backyard of a residence on Sweet Creek Subdivision in Itabaiana. Police suspect she was a victim of rape, since she was nearly naked from the waist down.


[[i] 本帖最後由 thegame 於 2010-7-28 22:18 編輯 [/i]]

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