@KTzone » 消閒 - 血腥暴力 » 12歲女孩遭強暴後懸樑自盡 [18+] [4P]

2010-9-13 23:52 Triple H
12歲女孩遭強暴後懸樑自盡 [18+] [4P]

12歲女孩遭強暴後懸樑自盡 [18+] [4P]
[quote]12 Year old Girl Gets Brutally Gang Raped and Then Hanged

akashipara, July 26: In a ghastly incident a 12-years-old girl was allegedly raped and murdered by unidentified assailants late on Saturday night Bahirgachi-Bhattacharjee Para under Dharmada panchayet in Nakashipara. Body of the victim, identified as Rupa Biswas found hanging with kameej in an isolated bamboo orchard early on Sunday morning. The victim was a student of class six in the local Muragacha Subadoni High School. Preliminary investigation revealed that she was strangulated to death after rape.
The incident created wide resentment in the area. Initially the angry locals did not allow the police to recover the body demanding immediate investigation using the sniffer dogs. Repeated persuasion by senior police personnel including additional SP Annappa E failed to evoke response. The body could be recovered only after sniffer dogs were arrived during the afternoon. However, the dogs failed to provide any breakthrough. It ran towards wetland and then came back.
As a result the sleuths so far could not arrest anybody suspected to have any involvement into the incident. In fact, the sleuths appear to be in totally dark. After recovering the body, it was sent to post mortem.
[Meanwhile, the incident once again proved that with the Nakashipara police being failed to make their presence felt, the area gradually becoming one of the most crime prone areas in the state. This is the second consecutive similar incident of rape and murder of innocent school going girl in Nakashipara area barely within a month. On June 7 Nazma Khatun, a minor girl who was a student of class seven was murdered in similar fashion in Baromasjidpara under Dharmada panchayet. Despite specific complain against her distant brother the Nakashipara police failed to ensure his remand when he surrendered before court. Surprisingly enough the main suspect got the bail. Locals alleged that the accused family has nexus with a section of police in Nakashipara and allowed him to roam free. The victim was a student of Tentulberia high school.
Moreover, incidents of dacoity, murder, political violences has increased in the area in an alarming rate while the police remain largely inactive. In April this year BDO-Nakashipara was also beaten up by antisocials, but the police yet nab all the accused who are roaming freely in the area. ]
According to local sources, at about 8.30 PM on Saturday night Rupa left home to attend a marriage reception at the residence of neighbor Sristidhar Ghosh. She was scheduled to go along with a neighbor's child Ronnie. However, she did not go there at all. Most probably she was kidnapped on the way which nobody could possibly noticed in the darkness.
Her father Subodh Biswas and others tried to find out her till late in the night, but failed. On Sunday morning Uday Ghosh, a local found her body hanging inside the bamboo orchard in a naked state with her dupatta. Her slippers were found at a nearby distance while her attires were also found in an adjacent place.
Locals claimed that the body actually dumped in the orchard after committing the crime in other place.
Additional SP Annappa E said: “We will be trying our best to look into all possible aspect to find the persons who are behind this ghastly crime.”
Meanwhile, Gayatri Sardar, a member of Nadia Zilla Parishad and a senior CPI (M) leader has condemned the incident. She has demanded that police should act with alacrity to find out the culprits and ensure exemplary punishment for them.
Some people say that The Nakashipara police has earned a dubious identity of a 'fixed rate' shop. The common believe is that you commit crime and pay the police to get the freedom. The rates varies for different crimes from rape to murder and other crimes...anything...you pay and get it done. So nothing positive could be expected from the Nakashipara police. If there is administration at all, it should review the law and order in Nakashipara and the role of the police officials posted there.
(Pictures From Left to Right) The sniffer dog pressed into action following demand by locals. (Next) Body of victim girl Rupa Biswas hanging in the bamboo orchard. (Middle) An inconsolable victim's mother Laxmi Biswas with her neighbors and (below) Additional SP Annappa E taking notes of the incident from victim's father Subodh Biswas.[/quote]

2010-9-15 01:52 billya

2010-9-18 20:39 arsnow121
thamnk for you pic

2010-12-20 19:53 寧寧姐
thx for sharing......

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