2008-3-16 08:58 plusaplusb
本人在一場遊戲帳號交易中, 上左當受左騙。
這遊戲可通過EMAIL來改密碼的, 而在交易前, 佢俾左佢EMAIL和EMAIL的PSW我。

2008-3-16 13:02 hieronymos
If he was still logged in to the email account while you were trying to change the password of his account, then he could still read the mails received and sent. He could also ask for a reset of the password of his email account because he could provide personal info to prove that the account belonged to him. That's how he got the info,and full control over your game account.

In short, when you use his email account to process a transaction of your game account, you ave actually given him the full control over your game account. I don't know why you had to use someone else's email account instead of yours. You were just too careless.

What he did was, of course, not correct. But it doesn't mean you have the right to try to steal the password of an email account which is not yours.

I repeat, [glow=Red]DON'T TRY TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSE'S ACCOUNT![/glow] Especially when you had been a victim and fully understand how harmful it could be. [glow=Red]IT IS A CRIME![/glow]

If you think that a criminal act can be justified by another criminal act, you are nothing but another unforgivable criminal.

[ Last edited by hieronymos on 2008-3-16 at 01:13 PM ]

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